Suzanne Treister
No Other Symptoms - Time Travelling with Rosalind Brodsky


Suzanne Treister was born in London in 1958 and moved to Australia in 1992.

She studied at St Martins and Chelsea schools of art in London and has shown in Europe, the USA, Japan and Australia since 1981. Since 1991 her practice has incorporated digital imaging and more recently video and multimedia.

In 1995 she created Rosalind Brodsky whose website can be seen @, and is currently completing the CD ROM, "No Other Symptoms - Time Travelling with Rosalind Brodsky", which will be published in 1999.

Conceptual Description

This CD ROM is an interactive investigation into the life of Rosalind Brodsky (with whom I share similar Anglo/Eastern European/Jewish roots), a delusional time traveller who believes herself to be working at the Institute of Militronics and Advanced Time Interventionality in the 21st century. Your journey takes the form of a tour organised by the Institute in memory of Brodsky's contribution to time travel research.

Starting at the Institute in 2058, the year of Brodsky's death, you are shown an introductory movie before entering Brodsky's study, concealed behind a memorial wall. From here you may travel to her home in Bavaria and journey to her Satellite spy probe, access her electronic time travelling diary and discover the time travelling costumes and attache cases in her wardrobe, through which you take the lift down to the Clinics from where you time travel to the homes of Freud, Jung, Klein, Lacan and Kristeva with whom Brodsky has undergone analysis, paid for with the profits from sales of her feature vibrators, album sales of her band ("Rosalind Brodsky and the Satellites of Lvov") and her time travelling cookery TV show.

This work creates a space that negotiates issues of insanity and humour, fetishism and sexuality, identity and technology, in relation to personal histories/fictions and histories of the twentieth century.