Brian Goldfarb is a multimedia digital artist and curator who
teaches in the Art and Art History Department at the University of Rochester.
His art and curatorial projects address the interface between the human
body, medical systems, and education, with a particular emphasis on youth
and their self-representation. He served as Curator of Education at The
New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York City,1994-1997 , and is currently
the Visiting Curatorial Consultant, for "Messages: The Ways and Means
of Communication" (Fall 1999), The Museum Of Science, Boston. At the New
Museum he curated and developed solftware for the exhibition of recent
media by youth producers, "alt.youth.media" (Fall 1996), and co-curated
of "Temporarily Possessed: The Semi-Permanent Collection" (Fall 1995).
A pioneer in artistic interface design, Brian curated and designed the
interface for "Digital Check-Up" (Fall 1993), Visual Studies Workshop,
Rochester, NY.
His digital art work and video has been exhibited at Festival International
de Video, Brazil, Hunter College Gallery, NYC, the Whitney Museum, Hallwalls
Gallery, Buffalo, The Alternative Museum, NYC, The Gallery, NYC, Randolph
Street Gallery, Chicago, Subculture, Group Material, NYC, 1983. Ocular
documents the ongoing work of the virtual Ocular Convergence Consortium,
an international consortium of government and private organizations, corporations,
and research groups dedicated to visual and perceptual enhancement and
integration in the 21st century. OC members are centrally concerned with
the uses of ocular implants within networked systems. Represented in the
OC consortium are some of the world's top corporations and researchers
working on vision enhancement in fields including optics, prosthetics,
genetics, and entymology. The OCC was formed in June of 1999 at the annual
meeting of the Visual Integration Society (VIS). The conference theme,
Global Vision in Crisis, was selected in response to the World Health
Organization alert concerning the global decline in ocular health and
The WHO identified environment and technological factors as significant
contributors to this crisis. Some of the factors noted in their report
are erosion of the ozone layer; an aging first-world population (resulting
in an increase in age-related ocular diseases sharing the anatomical problem
of rod and cone degeneration); and evidence of increases in lenticular
diseases in third world regions. We would add to this list an increased
reliance on visual labor and a growing demand for visual acuity in the
global workforce. OC members are responding to these factors by providing
a resource for sharing technology and knowledge across institutional borders,
with an eye to more rapid development of viable technologies for optimizing
human vision.