Information Woman

View a Shockwave animation of Information Woman


Roz Dimon is an artist who has been intensely involved in New Media since the early 80s. She is Manager of New Media for Deloitte & Touche and prior to that was a multimedia consultant to museums, galleries and corporations (Estee Lauder, Lehman Brothers among others). In 1995 she was curator, co-producer, and participating artist in "code", a multimedia, interactive, on-line exhibition for Ricco/Maresca Gallery, Soho, NYC 1995 (covered by national broadcast NBC, CBS, press and on-line critics). Roz was recently on the panel "The Influence of Digital on Contemporary Art" in Soho (with David Ross, Director of SFMOMA, Eleanor Heartney, The New York Times, Jack Tilton, Jack Tilton Galleries and Michi Itami, artist and VP of CAA). Her work was recently shown in Torino, Itlay with "The Luminous Image" Exhibition, curated by Franc Palaia. Her work has been featured in "Leonardo" "Forbes" and "CNET online" and she is in numerous private and corporate collections, including eight pieces in the collection of AT&T.

Roz invites you to visit her website which she updates bi-weekly with a commentary about art and life from a New York City artist's perspective.

Conceptual Description

"The piece 'Information Woman' draws itself, becoming alive with color as thoughts, images, and sounds segue in and out of phase. The piece is about spending a moment (a second? four minutes? an eternity?) in someone else's head. Thematically it's an exploration of how we have become extensions of our brains. The body is disappearing and being replaced by our thoughts in many ways. The jumble of sounds ('I've got my mac to think about,' 'There are so many damn trees,' the wolf whistle which comes from nowhere) serve to build a cacophonic momentum which culminates in and is released by the soothing sound of breaking waves. Surrounded by white noise, Information Woman integrates image and sound into her own thoughts. Moving between extroversion and introversion in an instant, she exists as an apparition in cyberspace, simultaneously existing in many places at once. In the same way that she pulls in sounds from the 'outside world' to feed her introspection, the viewer --- awash in sound and image - is lulled into private thoughts and pulled back into the piece. 'The beach in her elbow' represents our ability to live apart from real time in thought while in 'reality' our bodies remain locked in the space/time continuum we call home."

Rachel Duel, 1995
writer and friend of the artist

more about "Information Woman"

'Information Woman and the Beach in her Elbow' is a 2-dimensional piece which uses the interplay between movement and sound to give it depth. In accordance with its theme, the piece comes alive through creative reconstruction. 'Information Woman and the Beach in her Elbow' is a testament to the resiliency of the creative spirit in a world of technology. (Roz Dimon)

Sketch first drawn of nude model, using QuickTime movies for on-screen reference, upon which were layered objects and sounds using Adobe PhotoShop, Premiere, Illustrator, Macromedia Director and SoundEdit Pro.