Hans Breder, currently F. Wendell Miller Distinguished Professor of Art
at The University of Iowa, is also Head of the Intermedia & Video Art
Area which he founded in 1968. In 1997, he convened the Liminoid Laboratory
which premiered its first event at the 1998 conference of The International
Association for Philosophy and Literature, UC-Irvine, California. Exhibitions
include three Whitney Biennial Exhibitions, Whitney Museum of American
Art, New York, New York (1991,1989,1987); " '68 - Kunst und Kultur," Bauhaus
Dessau, Dessau, Germany, 1993; The First Group Exhibition of American
Art in Moscow, 1989; The 3rd Fukui International Video Biennale, Japan,
1989; 2nd Videonale, Bonn, Germany, 1986; "International Architecture
Exhibition," Technische UniversitŠt, Berlin, Germany, 1884; The Kitchen,
Center for Video And Music, New York, New York,1975; "Kineticism: System
Scupture in Environmental Situations" (Cultural Olympiad), Museo Universitario
de Ciencias y Arte, Mexico City, 1968.
Conceptual Description
The Nazi Loop ponders the horror of the Holocaust and the social
diseases which characterized it: ethnocentrism (belief in the inherent superiority
of one's own group and contempt for other groups and cultures), xenophobia
(fear and hatred of foreigners), and antisemitism. Images and text from
Weimar and Nazi Germany are woven into a complex montage which includes
representations of contemporary neo-Nazi propaganda and that of its oppositional
resistance. Also woven into this montage are essays by social thinkers which
reflect upon the meaning of the horrific historical moment of the Holocaust.
This project operates on many levels. Certainly, it argues that the obsessive
ethnocentrism, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism of past times and other places
is cyclical and present here, now. |